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Hi, I'm Yi Lu.
A learning designer.

Specialize in engaging learners through a variety of media and leveraging data to effectively enhance learning outcomes.

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User Experience Design

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Learning Analytics

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Game-based Learning

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Instructional Design
User Experience Design

Research shows that online orientation can prepare students for online learning readiness. However, if students are not interested in the content, they will quickly skip through the content without paying attention. How can we design an effective and engaging learning experience for the orientation session?

Instructional Design
User Experience Design

Like humans, dogs are thinking, feeling, social individuals. They can feel fear, anger, happiness, sadness and surprise. However, sometimes, we may unintentionally make the situation worse if we misread dog's body language. How can we be more responsible guardians and caregivers by knowing our companion animals' feelings?


Learning Analytics

US colleges receive a high volume of applications every year, which is a huge workload for admission officers as they usually go through several rounds of reading the materials. How can we use learning analytics to assist AOs to make well-informed decisions more efficiently?

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