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About Me

My Journey into Learning Design

I'm Yi, from Shanghai, China. I'm a person who really enjoys making complex ideas easy to understand. Coming into the age of the digital, I created tutorials to teach my grandparents to use smartphones. During my work as a college counselor, I visualized students' academic progress with charts and tried to streamline the communication between students and parents.


Having several years of working experience in the education industry, which is filled with anxious parents, pressures on students, and exhaustive teachers who feel torn between trivia tasks and frequent communication between several parties, I started to imagine how I can further leverage the power of technology and media in education. Then I decided to go back to the school to chase my curiosity and willingness of solving problems for learners and educators.


Currently, I am pursuing a Master in Digital Media Design for Learning at New York University. I would like to empathize with novice learners and assist them to grapple with problems when learning new knowledge. I expect to make educational resources more available to learners from underdeveloped areas with the aid of technology. I wish people can enjoy learning and keep motivated, then walk towards a path that gets to know themselves and the world better, being strong and free. 

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